How To Become Your Fund’s Favorite Real Estate Private Equity Analyst
This post examines the single most important real estate private equity skill. Mastering this skill will help you become your fund’s favorite real analyst. What is the skill? Simply put, you must learn how to convey information faster and more accurately than anybody else . You do that by building clean and flexible real estate LBO models . This post lays out the case for style and readability at every step of the modeling process. Information is The Lifeblood of Real Estate Investing Real Estate LBO models are the nexus of information. Every important piece of data is consolidated inside the model. When lawyers negotiate ground rent, the end goal is to load it into the model to see how their terms impact returns. When negotiating an affordability program with the local government, the financial model is used to understand which program is most accretive to the investment. Anything and everything that your fund considers about an investment winds up in the model. And yet, too ...